Hello, and Happy Friday! This may be my quickest 7 Quick Takes. Still sick...blech! But I am trying to get into the habit of writing/blogging regularly...so here goes!
- 1. -
It snowed heavily, but briefly, yesterday morning. The forecast had been for a small amount of flurries, so the big flakes and strong wind gusts were surprising. One of my friends had posted on Facebook that she felt like she was inside a snow globe in the hands of an excited 3 year old! What a perfectly delightful image! I was grateful that I did not have to go anywhere (lots of accidents reported in rural areas). But I have to admit, it was a beautiful snowfall! Brings to mind the canticle in the third chapter of the Book of Daniel... "All you winds, bless the Lord...Cold and chill, bless the Lord...Hoarfrost and snow, bless the Lord...Praise and exalt Him above all forever!"
- 2. -
While typing this, I took a break to peek in on Facebook. People were participating in a quirky quiz, to see what Star Wars character they most resembled. I took the bait. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi! Ha! I think I would like to resemble him most, and some days I do...but I am not nearly so level-headed!
- 3. -
This Sunday is the March for Life in Chicago. I would love to go, but probably won't. Unless something changes, I just cannot see myself spending hours in the cold. But if you are in the Midwest, and cannot travel all the way to DC for the big event on Wednesday, this is a great option! Check it out here for more info
- 4. -
I went back to the doctor earlier this week, and when I was weighed, I reached my highest weight since I was pregnant nearly 20 years ago. Oh. No. I have been well aware of my weight going up, and I thought I was motivated to lose weight before my trip to Italy last year...but I just maintained my weight instead. I hope this ugly number on the scale will shake me up. I know I need to exercise, but I hate exercise! If you have ANY tips for getting motivated, please fill me in! (*Update...I weighed myself this morning, and I weigh 5 pounds less. I prefer my scale at home!)
- 5. -
Last Sunday, as I mentioned in a previous post, we had one of our former foster kids over with her husband and three kids for a late Christmas dinner. It was the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, so liturgically, we were still in the Christmas season. Bruce made enchiladas, and we exchanged gifts. All three of the kids pounded on the piano at least a little bit! Lots of fun! I only mention the "foster" title because some people get confused when I talk about my daughter... "Kim, I didn't think you had kids other than Gabriel." Bruce and I welcomed 41 kids into our home over 8 years. Some were just here for a weekend, some, like Jamie, were here for much longer (she was here over 3 years). I often referred to this as "my other pro-life ministry." It was some of the hardest stuff we ever did...very intense and emotional...but very worthwhile. Romans 12:13 says, "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." While this verse is talking about reaching out specifically to other Christians, there is no doubt in my mind that God would love more Christian families to become foster and adoptive parents!!
- 6. -
Our party was NOT the last of our Christmas celebrations! This weekend some long-time friends of ours are hosting their annual "Procrastinator's Christmas Party," and I truly hope we can go! For one thing, how fun is that party title? It is a great reason to get together during the doldrums of winter. Plus, the party always features a fantastic white elephant gift exchange. Here's hoping my new medicines kick in!
- 7. -
Well, this was longer than I expected, but I cannot think of a Number 7. My brain is done. Time for some more medicine and a cup of tea. By God's grace, I will be feeling better soon!
Thanks for stopping by...and feel free to leave a comment. I would love to hear from you!