Hello to anyone who stops by this dusty blog.
Funny thing is, some people have come by...but there have been no posts here for months. I have been posting on my card making blog
Stamping for LIFE!, but since this was the first blog I set up on blogger, many of my fellow paper crafters end up here. I guess it is a bit confusing, but it hasn't been earth shattering. Both of these blogs are just an outlet for me. If they inspire someone...that's a special perk!
Photo Credit: emilysfilms.wordpress.com |
Sometimes, when a blogger falls off the edge of the earth, it is because she has been ill, or she has been extraordinarily busy, or she just had a major life change that made blogging the last thing on her mind.
That last one is me...sort of. It's not that I haven't thought about blogging. I just haven't figured out how to start up again. In fact, I have at least 2 posts sitting in my drafts. Sigh.
So here goes...again. What is up, you ask? Well, in early May, after over 11 years, I left my position as Executive Director of Women's Care Clinic in Danville. Done. And here I am, nearly two months later, still a bit dazed from the change.
I am not going to discuss why I left, as that is between me, God, my husband, my pastor, the board, and some very close family & friends. That sounds like a lot, I suppose. I will say that as quick as this change occurred, and as emotional as it was to walk away, I do feel a sense of peace. Not as though everything is peachy keen...I am still grieving quite a bit...but peace in the sense that I know and trust God has me in His hands. He also has Women's Care Clinic in His hands.
Local ministry supporters have been so kind to me. Many have been concerned if my health was the reason for my resignation. I told one woman, "Nope, my health is no worse and no better than it was just a few months ago!" We both laughed, since we both have a plethora of physical ailments. Many other supporters expressed concern because the ministry recently acquired a much larger building. At the Banquet for Life in April, I described this building as "a DIY project on steroids." Yes, it needs a lot of work. Yes, I had been praying for a larger space for years. But the building isn't mine; the ministry isn't mine. It all belongs to God!
I am mindful of the ministry's founding Executive Director, Linda O. She dreamt of the day that the ministry would have ultrasound and a nurse on staff. And it happened...just not on "her watch." She passed the baton off to Deni; then Deni to Tammy; then Tammy to me. Now, I believe God has released me, and told me to hand the baton off to new leadership. Sometimes we are the ones called to plant the seeds, but someone else brings in the harvest. A beautiful woman of God, April, has joined the ministry team. I pray for her, I support her efforts. I want her to succeed, because that means the ministry succeeds...which means more babies will be saved!
Photo Credit: Facebook/Students for Life of America |
And that's the bottom line.
One of the ministry volunteers asked if I will be volunteering at the clinic. I told her no, because I imagine that would be so awkward! At least initially. Besides, people need to connect with April. She will do some things the same, and some things differently. However, Bruce and I are still financially supporting the ministry...because the mission continues to be
Creating a Culture of Life. SAVE the babies! Reach the mothers and fathers with love and compassion. Do everything in the Name of Jesus!
We will also sponsor a couple of kids from St Paul's for the Walk for Life. My home church was #2 last fall; barely beating Catlin Church of Christ by just $50. I am certain that their pastor, Darren, is developing a plan to topple us. Must. Not. Happen! *wink*
So, what have I been doing lately? I have been sleeping in...making cards...MAILING cards...reading books...having lunch with friends...and reorganizing my home office/craft room. Bruce and I also hosted some college kids for a week, as they facilitated a catechism program at our church.
Photo Credit: My Dear Husband, Bruce Padan! |
But now, I am praying about my next steps...I have wanted to pursue keynote speaking for years. I have been encouraged by many friends and colleagues to do this as well...but I never had the energy to dig deep into this venture. Now is the time. Between my experience at Women's Care Clinic and my personal experience with Gabriel, I believe I have much to offer. This little blog will hopefully grow, as I write more. I will be working with a website developer to have something more polished. I will be contacting men and women whom I have met over the years at conferences and online. My dear husband is so supportive of this, even though it will mean more travel. (Have I mentioned, I LOVE to travel??)
So, I ask for your prayers, as I pursue this long-held dream. I think about Mr. Clark...my speech team coach from Rochelle Township High School. He took a shy, awkward teen and encouraged her to share ideas in front of people with confidence. Now, God is saying it's time to get out more and use those speaking skills! After all, every part of my story, my testimony, features HIM!!
The new chapter has begun...it's going to be good!
Until next time...